Adolescence is a period when an individual is overwhelmed by a number of simultaneous Developments, therefore, to meet this situation proper guidance is needed in this period. The teacher and the institute can encourage the development of effective maturity in adolescents by providing counselling and guidance. In this connection, as per AICTE guidelines, Institute has established a Counseling Cell for the session 2023-24 with the following members on the campus to support our staff and students for their psychological well-being and to maintain ethical values in society.

The function of Student Counselor Cell:

(i) To help students understand and identify the emotional disturbances and the ways to tackle such situations.

(ii) To concentrate on maintaining healthy emotional stability amongst students and to provide learning/training opportunities in the areas of academic, career and personal/ social development and to prepare students to meet their future challenges.

(iii) To provide guidance to the students in identifying their interests, strengths and planning appropriately to justify their professional needs.

(iv) To cater to emotional imbalance and disturbances among teaching and non-teaching members of the institute and to help them come out of the situations.

 Frequency of Meeting:

The student Counselor cell conducts meetings twice in the semester.

Attendance in the meeting:

Around 80 to 90 Percent of committee members are always present in the meeting