Department of Management under the flagship of GITM innovation Cell successfully organized a Seminar on Business Model Canvas (BMC) in association with Roorkee Institute of Technology, Roorkee under Mentor- Mentee Program on May 12, 2022.
The Resource Person for this event was Prof. (Dr) Deepali Bhatnagar who is Deputy Director at Amity Business School, Amity University, Rajasthan. She holds MBA & PhD Degree in Management. She is having over 17 Years of teaching research and training experience. She has participated and presented papers in several National and International Conferences.
Around 100 students took part in this Seminar through Google Meet and got benefitted. The examples given by the resource person were so interesting that students were able to relate to it easily. Student’s interaction with the speaker was outstanding.
The session was very informative and fruitful for our MBA students. Prof. (Dr.) Rishi Asthana, Director & President of IIC, GITM welcomed the speaker. Dr. Aruna Bhat, Convenor IIC, RIT and Dr. Priyanka Jaiswal, Convenor IIC, GITM coordinated the whole event and Dr. Jyoti Agarwal, HOD, Management, GITM gave the thanking note to the Speaker and all the internal members of RIT & GITM at the end.


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