On 28th Feb,2023 Department of Civil Engineering and GITM Innovation Cell organized “Scientia”, on the occasion of National Science Day in which three different activities have been performed by the students.
This “Scientia” aimed at giving vital information and Technical awareness to Students in each Field related to creativity, Technical knowledge and also aware the students about how one can Innovate new ideas by applying a few resources.
This “Scientia” was categorized into Three rounds.
Event name— MIND MELD (QUIZ)
Quizzes encourage students’ self-awareness and knowledge of progress and self-assessment. Students get instant feedback on their responses.
Event name- Speech Symphony
The objective behind Speech Symphony is to focus on things that happened, are happening, or will happen. When speaking about an event, students present their topic to audience, within
specified time limit.
The defined topics area.
a. Rising Disasters
b. Innovations in Engineering Fields
c. Contribution of Indian Scientists to the World
d. Power Generation through Nuclear Energy
e. Climate Change: By Human or By Nature
Event name – Dialogue Duel
Dialogue Duel is a public speaking event where students deliver a number of portions of a speech previously delivered. The goal of a declamation is to convey a message with clarity, emotion, and persuasiveness. The speech which student delivers can be any publicly delivered speech.
The debate topic will be
a. Should we actively try to bring back extinct species
through genetic engineering.
b. Is Evolution a scientific theory or just a fact?
There are 60 students of all departments participated this event . Dr. Rishi Asthana , Director (GITM) & IIC President, gave some motivational word to the Students and warm wishes to him. After that Mr. Raj Kumar Gupta, HoD, Department of Civil Engineering concluded this “Scientia” by congratulate students for successful completion of this Event , and also gave Troffies and certificate to the winners.
Finally Civil Department Organizes Photo Session , in which all the students have taken group photograph with HoD and Faculty members of Civil Engineering Department.