Library Committee
The library committee in our engineering and management college is to oversee and enhance the library services, resources, and facilities provided to students, faculty, and staff. The committee works towards creating a conducive learning environment and ensuring that the library meets the educational and research needs of the college community.

Here are some specific purposes and responsibilities of our Library committee:
Collection Development: The committee is responsible for evaluating and selecting books, journals, e-resources, and other materials to build a relevant and comprehensive collection. They consider the curriculum requirements, research interests, and emerging trends in engineering and management to ensure the library’s collection remains up-to-date and relevant.
Resource Acquisition: The committee identifies and acquires new resources, both physical and digital, that align with the information needs of the college. They may evaluate subscription databases, online journals, e-books, and other digital resources for potential acquisition. The committee also considers user feedback and suggestions in the resource acquisition process.
Library Policies: The committee develops and reviews library policies and procedures to ensure efficient and effective library operations. They establish guidelines for borrowing, renewals, fines, interlibrary loan services, access to resources, and other library-related services. The committee also ensures that the policies are communicated to library users and followed consistently.
Library Facilities and Technology: The committee monitors the physical space and technological infrastructure of the library. They assess the layout, seating arrangements, lighting, signage, and accessibility to ensure a comfortable and user-friendly environment. The committee also evaluates and recommends the adoption of new technologies that enhance library services, such as self-checkout systems, digital catalog interfaces, or RFID tagging.
User Services: The committee focuses on improving user services and ensuring that library staff are adequately trained to assist library users effectively. They may organize training sessions or workshops for students and faculty to promote information literacy skills, research methodologies, and effective use of library resources. The committee also seeks feedback from library users to address their needs and concerns.
Collaboration and Outreach: The committee collaborates with faculty, departments, and other committees within the college to understand their information needs and integrate library services into the curriculum. They may work with faculty members to develop course-specific resource guides or collaborate on research initiatives. The committee also engages in outreach activities to promote the library’s resources and services, such as organizing book talks, author visits, or library orientation sessions.
Assessment and Evaluation: The committee monitors and evaluates the usage of library resources and services to assess their effectiveness. They analyze data on resource utilization, circulation statistics, user feedback, and other metrics to identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions about resource allocation and service enhancements.