Innovation/Prototype Validation-Converting Innovation into Startup

The Institution Innovation Council (IIC) of Goel Institute of Technology & Management (GITM), Lucknow and Training and Placement Cell, GITM organized a workshop on “ Innovation/prototype Validation- Converting Innovation into Startup” in association with Vision StartUPs on 13th June, 2022. The resource persons of the workshop were Mr. Sudhanshu Rastogi, President-Vision StartUPs ; Mr. Ankush Arora, Secretary-Vision StartUPs ; Mr. Rishabh Agarwal, Member-Vision StartUPs; Ms. Nazia Rizvi, Member-Vision StartUPs & Mr. Neelesh Kapoor, Member- Vision StartUPs. The experts explained about the innovation cycle & product development phases starting from ideation to Proof of Concept (PoC) to prototype development in various technologies readiness levels & ultimately maturing it to a product for startup. The students were encouraged & motivated towards establishing startups by discussing real examples. The interactive and interesting workshop was well appreciated by students and faculty members.



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