Department of Management in Association with Training and Placement organized an Industrial Visit on 2nd December 2021 to Parle Product Pvt. Ltd , Kaiserganj, Kanpur for MBA II Year Students.

Batch of 41 students along with their coordinator Mr. Sharad Chandra and Ms. Vidushi Srivastava visited the location. Plant Head Mr. Pradeep Mishra, made students visited different departments where processes such as Raw Material Testing, Mixing, Molding, Baking, Cooling Packaging and Distribution was going on. They told students about the production process and the various steps involved in the making of Parle-G Milk Biscuits.

These types of industrial visits help students to get more exposure to the outer world and get more of practical knowledge. This visit helped students to understand what actual Plant Layout Techniques are. All the protocols were strictly followed by each staff so that there is no hindrance in smooth functioning.

Mr. Amit Anand Agarwal (Dy. Director Corporate Relation & Placements) and Dr. Jyoti Agarwal (Head, Management Department), thanked company delegates for giving their valuable time and making this visit a successful and fruitful one.


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