In view of the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in SLP No. 24295 of 2006 dated 16-05-2007 and in Civil Appeal number 887 of 2009, dated 08-05-2009 to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging, an Anti-Ragging Squad for the session 2023-24 is formed as under.

Functions of the Anti-Ragging Squad/ Proctorial Squad:
(i) To make surprise raids on hostels, and other places vulnerable to incidents and having the potential for ragging and shall be empowered to inspect such places.
(ii) To conduct an on-the-spot enquiry into any incidents of ragging referred to it by the Head of the institution or any member of the faculty or any member of the staff or any student or any parent or guardian or any employee of a service provider or by any other person, and submit recommendations to Anti-Ragging Committee/Proctorial Board
(iii) To conduct an on-the-spot enquiry into any indiscipline action reported in and around campus and submit recommendations to Anti-Ragging Committee/Proctorial Board
(iv) To assists the college anti-ragging committee in preventing ragging in the College and to spread anti- ragging campaign throughout the student’s community
(v) To maintain discipline in campus and Ragging Free campus
(vi) To takes affidavits from the students and parents regarding Ragging during the Admission.
(vii) To provide helpline details to students inside and outside college premises.
(viii) To Ensures that all the students attend classes without bunking & prevent the students from leaving the college early.