Functions of the Internal Complaint Committee:
(i) To create awareness on equal opportunity for women that will ultimately lead to improved attitude and behaviour.
(ii) To bring about attitudinal and behavioural change in adolescent youth of the female gender.
(iii) To provide a harassment-free working atmosphere, by identifying and fixing responsibility on the concerned persons for ensuring equal treatment of and participation by women in all areas.
(iv) To conduct programmes for ladies to empower them financially, emotionally
(v) To deal appropriately with reported cases of sexual harassment, abuse or discrimination and initiate action against particular grievances in respect of unfair treatment due to gender bias and To hold any enquiry into the complaint logged and make appropriate recommendations to the appropriate authorities
To work on welfare schemes such as Self Defense Workshop, Gender sensitization Workshops.
Frequency of Meeting:
The internal complaints committee holds the meeting once at the beginning of each semester, and as per the requirement, the meeting can be scheduled at any time to resolve any case.
Attendance in the meeting:
Around 80 to 90 Percent of committee members are always present in the meeting