Department of Mechanical Engineering Inaugurated its First edition of half yearly Wall Cum E-Magazine name “MECH VISTA” with the tagline “conventional to automation “on the occasion of National Science Day, 28th February 2023.
The Wall Magazine was inaugurated by Honorable Chairman Sir – Er. Mahesh Agarwal, Chairman, Softpro India – Sri Ajay Chaudhary, along with Director GITM – Dr. Rishi Asthana & Director ( Planning & Coordination ) – Dr. Alok Jain, Principals, HoDs and faculties along with the students of Mechanical Engineering Department.
The program started with the unfolding of Wall Magazine by Chairman Sir and all dignitaries. He and Director (GITM) – Dr. Rishi Asthana accosted some inspirational words to the students.
The theme of the first volume of the magazine is “Conventional to Industry 4.0”. This magazine is divided into two sections – Operational (Student section) and Support (Faculty Section). Sections include various technical and literary articles complied with and are displayed accordingly.
The student section is to motivate students for taking an active part in activities so that they can grow and nurture in their journey. The magazine is not only focusing on the up-gradation of students but also on faculties so that they can also explore and present themselves with new ideas and innovation.
The program marked its conclusion by a Vote of thanks given by HoD Mr. Shiv Kumar Tripathi, who ended this session by giving their regards to the Honorable Chairman Sir, Director Admin. & Planning, Director GITM, Principals, HODs, and faculty members.