Department of Computer science and Engineering in Association with GITM Innovation Cell is organized a Seminar on “Django Full Stack Web Development” for B. Tech CSE/IT 2nd year and 3rd Year on 9 Nov , 2022 The session was conducted by 1. Dr. Swasti Agarwal (Director of Precursor info Solution Pvt. Ltd Lucknow) Around 145 students and Faculty members attended the session They learnt about innovative tools and technologies provided by Precursor info Solution Pvt. Ltd Lucknow The main objective of this session was that students got to know about Flask framework, to explore the power and simplicity of python. All the students were able to add another programming language in their technical skill set that enhance their Industrial knowledge. Seminar started with the Introduction of the basics of Full Stack Development with Python and Django. They learnt about front-end and back-end technologies. How Django can be easily implemented as compare to any other framework. Also explained the features of Django. The team member of organization had taken the session on practical knowledge regarding Front-End Development, Backend Development and Database Management using Django. The session was very interactive and informative for the students. And at last, Thank you note was given to our guest of honor Dr. Swasti Agarwal by Ms. Samiksha Singh as Assistant Professor of Department of Computer Science and Engineering and also Ambassador of Innovation Cell GITM.