The understanding and adaption of Green Building technologies stimulates the contribution towards climate change adaption mitigation measures. The Green Building movement is growing very faster and is creating enormous demand for the trained professionals for the building sector. The Department of Civil Engineering and GITM Innovation Cell organizes 2 days workshop on “Project Management- Multistorey Building Project” in association with Center of Extensive Development for Engineers (C.E.D.E) for the students of Civil and Electrical engineering branch on 26th and 27th November, 2021.
Around 200 students were participated in this workshop with their faculty members. The Key speaker Mr. A. K Maurya (General Manager, Project, CEDE, New Delhi) discussed about designing the building with real problems on the ground. He also gave his view about how to tackle those problems efficiently with his personal experiences in detail. Another speaker Mr. B.P Singh (AGM Contract, CEDE, New Delhi) discussed about the legal and technical aspects for multistory building with importance of electrical insulation for green building.
Overall this workshop motivated students and helped them in relating their theoretical knowledge with the on-field application in much understandable way.