Department of Computer Science & Engineering, T & P as well as the innovation cell is organized an Expert talk on the topic “Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Career Opportunity” on 22/2/2022
Time:11:00 am
Venue: Goelplex
Capt conducted the session. Abhay Singh Founder Director Mind Mantra Knowledge Pvt. Ltd., Sr. Consultant NIIT, Member Leadership Excellence Harvard Square, Ex Army officer and Ex Banker

The entire session was an extremely interactive session. He initially started off by defining the words entrepreneurship and gave a clear idea of the same. “Entrepreneurship is not a career” he quoted and explained how an individual can launch his/her start-up in detail.
The main objective of this seminar are:-
• Promote the importance of Entrepreneurship and innovation as career opportunities and inculcate the skill set required for a young graduate,
• To stimulate the overall architecture of the Entrepreneurship life cycle and how students can create innovative products by undertaking appropriate methods.
The Program targeted to provide opportunities to Undergraduate students, Postgraduate students and Faculty members to expand their dexterities in various significant facets involved in building Career Opportunities in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. The Seminar ended with a question and answer session. Around 496 students and Faculty members attended the session.

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